Day: November 4, 2017

Faith. Communities

Tree of Life is my community. It is filled with my people. Even when I don’t get see all my people all the time, they are still my people.

This weekend is the kickoff for our biggest fundraiser. It brings in thousands of dollars and it takes hundreds of hours to pull it off. We all pull together, doing whatever needs to be done. And we make the toffee. We score and break the candy. We weigh and pack the candy. Then we sell the candy. People we done see often come and help. Some people have been making the candy for 10 or 15 or 20 or even 35 years. Others: this is their first year.

I am always filled with love after making toffee. We talk. We laugh. We argue. We even cry. We have it down to an art. The science of candymaking is such a beautiful art.

this is what community is all about.  I love these faces



It’s Friday!

Well, as you can see, if you have read the previous two posts, I have done a little housekeeping around here. I am not totally thrilled with the theme I am using – what IS with that blank space at the top of the page anyway?!? That said, I can live with the theme for now. I exported the data from my site, installed a new version of WP, imported the exported file, and viola! here we are. Don’t be surprised, however, if you visit again soon and find a new coat of paint. I will be tweaking things as the days progress, I am sure.

This is going to be a very busy weekend. It’s toffee making time! If you want to ORDER some toffee, feel free! Trust me, it is the best toffee you will ever eat. If you are local to me, I will deliver or you can pick it up. If you are not, we will ship (you pay shipping, of course). I will be babysitting for a while on Sunday. Three year olds are such a delight! I bought my own car seat to make transportation of said child so much easier.

I have some organizing I want to do at home. I have some journaling and scrapbooking I want to get started on while the craft table is mostly clear. I need to make room for toys for my granddaughter. I want to bring out the children’s books I kept so maybe we can read something other than Stellaluna at bedtime (though, I love that book and she loves seeing the moon on the back cover when we turn the page). On a funny note, she told me last night that R.J. is not a good reader of Stellaluna. I asked her a question about it with a lot of negatives so I re-worded it to see if I was right. “Did you like how R.J. read it?” The answer was a resounding, “NO!” He needs to work on not being monotone when reading to children.

Nothing profound to say today – just mundane life events. Nothing wrong with that!