
Almost two weeks ago, I noticed my left leg was red and swollen, below the bruising from The Fall. I kept an eye on it. My doctor was out of the office that Friday so I waited until Monday to go in. I half-thought about canceling the appointment as it appeared to be a bit better but I am no longer taking chances. I was put on a 10 day Z-pack (normally they are 4 or 5 day). I have one more day left (tonight) and I noticed last night that the swelling appears to be coming back.

On top of that, my blood sugars are slowly creeping up. My 14 day average is: 104 and my 7 day is 109, err, it was 109 last night, now it is 107. What a difference two more entries make, eh? My frustration is that I am not eating anything differently from when it was lower (more in the low 100’s and more 90’s) than I am now. So, do I need more Metforim or is this related to the (possible) infection or is it because all exercise has stopped for the past couple of weeks?  Or a combination of all three?

Maggie and I have been staying at mom’s apartment with her as we have an old, not well-insulated house with only window units. Our bedroom faces the south and is not shaded and is upstairs. When the temps were not getting below 80 at night, we sought refuge at mom’s. I have to say, I am enjoying the peace and quiet over there, the no chaos (unless the males are visiting) and the air conditioning. Frankly, it has been too hot to go home and exercise after dinner and then come back. So far, I have only done some time on the exercise bike. I started at 20 minutes for the first two days then upped it to 30. The last two times I used the bike, I did 45 minutes.  I am sure I will have to start over with 30 minutes and build back up.

I am just frustrated with my levels. I am sure my A1C will be below 6 as I rarely get above 130 (and my 90 day average is: 114). I am FAR from where I was late February. I know that. I demand perfection from myself in some areas. I guess this is becoming one of them.

While I am kvetching: I miss fruit. Really and truly. I want a big bowl of ice cold watermelon. A big one. Not a cereal bowl. Peaches. Ripe, deep purple plums. That’s it: I am talking to the doctor on Friday about upping my Metforim to see if I can add fruit to my diet.


  1. Ann says:

    Barbara, I have to say I think you worry too much about your sugar levels. If you are keeping it below 120 most of the time, you are doing fantastic! I have had diabetes for 10 years now, and my doctor is always pleased when I keep my sugars between 100 and 120. Everything I’ve read, and all the numerous doctors and other providers I’ve seen, has indicated that these are very good, even normal numbers. I think you will stress yourself out too much and drive your sugars up when you try so hard. It’s good to stay on top of it, but worrying so much over such a slight change is not good for you.

    • barbara says:


      Thank you for your perspective and I get that. I really do. Maybe I should not have read Dr. Bernstein’s book – he suggests a much lower number to strive for. I will say, I am frustrated that my fasting is so high still.

      And, I totally believe the ADA is full of it. They state that an A1C under 7 is acceptable now. I don’t believe that. Based on some of the reading I have done, it should be under 6 … I am striving for WELL under 6. Will find out soon — appointment on Friday.

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